September 25, 2013

Ordering Numbers

I'm trying to stay caught up on blog posts, but there's so just so much that happens in the first few weeks of school!

I took these pictures two weeks ago while we were working on ordering numbers.  Here the kiddos are working to build towers of numbers and put them in order, least to greatest.  As I started to write about this activity, I realized that we've already moved so far beyond this lesson.  Today we began finding different combinations of numbers that can equal 7 (i.e. 5+2, 4+3, 6+1, etc.).

Nevertheless, I'm reminded of how essential it was that the kiddos started with these foundational activities.  We begin our year with a series of "games" where the kiddos match numerals to quantities, order quantities, determine less and greater, and count specific quantities.  Although we progressed through these lessons quickly, they really set the tone for the year: we developed common math language, identified strategies for counting and double-checking, and established the importance of counting and comparing accurately.

These first few weeks have also been a valuable time for me to gather anecdotal notes.  As the kiddos worked, I walked around taking notes about how they read numbers (do they know the difference between 6 and 9?), how they count quantities (do they start at 1 each time or can they group small amounts and count on?), and how they order and combine (do they have to count up or do they have an instinct about larger numbers?).  I have also been able to pull small groups of students who need to shore up their basic skills (I had a few kiddos who were not able to accurately draw or count a group of 20 objects.)

More to come on the math games that were introduced during this unit...

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