May 18, 2013

Separation Anxiety

I am very fortunate to have worked with some wonderful assistant teachers over the years.  I am always grateful for their support, but especially when I have to be out of the classroom.  Since I have always taught with an assistant (Pre-K through 1st grade at my school have assistant teachers), I have never had to write "real" sub-plans.  My assistant teachers know my students, expectations, and procedures at least as well as I do, so whenever I have had to be out of school for any reason, they have always picked right up with the kiddos.  Sure, I have left general guidelines for the substitute, or guest, teacher, but I expect that my assistant teacher will basically take over as the lead for the day.  Usually, we are able to chat the day before I leave so he/she knows exactly what to do and where everything is in the classroom.

On Monday, my assistant teacher and I are both going to be out of school!  This is the first time I will be leaving my kiddos with a "stranger" all day, and I've been anxious about it all week.  I tried to prep the class by enlisting the help of my most responsible kiddos to lead Morning Meeting.  I taught one particularly tech-savvy student how to set up our SMART Board.  I think I re-wrote my sub-plans three times!   I set up my table with all of the materials the guest teacher will need during the day.  (I probably went a little overboard, but it made me feel more comfortable.)

Despite trying to appear calm and confident as I explained the situation to the kiddos, I apparently passed on some of my anxiety to them as well.  By the end of the day, they were asking questions like, "How will our  substitute teacher know about Literacy Work Stations?" and "Will our substitute know about Writer's Workshop?"  Oops!  I reassured them that they would be fine.  I reminded them that they know the routines and procedures and our class expectations so they should act like they would on any other day.  I told them I expected a good report and that they should follow the guest teacher's instructions as if they were mine, even if they were different from what I would say.

Of course, I know they will have a fine day, even if their routine is a little off or their transitions aren't as smooth, but it's still hard to think of them at school without me.  Thankfully, I'm sure I will hear all about their adventures with the guest teacher when I return!

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