May 10, 2013


In a previous post, I shared about our Morning Meeting Greetings, but Sharing is another essential component of our Morning Meetings.  In the beginning of the year, I model how to do a "Share."  I share a picture of my family and encourage the kiddos to ask questions to learn more about me.  Throughout the first few weeks of school, I invite other adults in the building (other teachers, our principal, nurse, custodian, etc.) to come share with our class.  I ask that each adult bring a special item to help our class learn more about him/her as well.  The kiddos practice being quiet and attentive, nodding and making silent signals (such as "me too"), and raising their hands to ask questions.

Once the class has learned the routine, each kiddo gets to sign up for date to share.  I send home the completed sign-up sheet for the month so that families can help the kiddos prepare. The kiddos love this opportunity to be center-stage!  They usually bring in a favorite toy or special picture.  They get to share for a couple of minutes and then tell their peers, "I'm ready for questions or comments." 
This practice helps students master many of the speaking and listening objectives from the Common Core Standards.  It also gives our class a chance to get to know each other better!  So far this year my kiddos have brought in special drawings, family picture albums, sports trophies, and favorite stuffed animals and action figures.  I even had a student demonstrate her new roller skates!

I love starting my day with Sharing because it is a good reminder that even the kiddos struggle to listen or take turns, they are can still be attentive when they really want to hear from their friends.  They also appreciate the opportunity to ask questions and make connections.  I love that we get to start our days with this community-building experience and set a positive tone for the day!

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