October 20, 2012

Character Education

My school does not use a specific character education program so I have had to create my own "program" to introduce important values to my students.  Last year, I simply introduced each "virtue" on its own during the first few weeks of school and we used read-alouds, role playing, and class discussions to reinforce them throughout the year.  Some of the virtues we studied were integrity, attentiveness, cooperation, and patience -- all essential traits for academic success.

This year I wanted to do something a little different.  I love acronyms so I decided to create an acronym for the character traits I want my students to develop.  I came up with STAR which stands for Show Self-Control, Try & Persevere, Act with Integrity, and Respond Helpfully.  I began by introducing the idea of being a "STAR" as someone who is kind, helpful, and a good student.  Then I went in-depth about each aspect of STAR.  I used books and activities to provide concrete examples for each.  For instance, we read Lily's Purple Plastic Purse to talk about self-control and Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie to talk about integrity.  
Now that the kiddos all understand STAR, I encourage them often by pointing out when a classmate is demonstrating "STAR behavior."  I might say, "Tylique, you responded so helpfully by picking up those crayons when Izzy spilled them."  It's been great to hear the students start to echo my language my commenting when a friend acts with integrity or perseveres.

I continued the star-theme with the acronym for our listening position.  I learned early on that it is really important to be specific with the position that I want my students to have during learning time.  Saying "pay attention" just doesn't cut-it with the six-year-old set!  So I created the acronym SHINE.  SHINE stands for Sit up Straight, Hands folded, In your own space, No Noise, and Eyes on the Speaker.  In the past I've considered using Active Listening Position, SLANT, or Whole Body Listening which are all common, but none of them encompassed everything I wanted the kids to do.  I love that SHINE reminds them of every part of being a good listener!

Check out an updated post about STAR here!

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